Impartiality Policy

Get-ISO Certification is committed to maintaining the highest standards of impartiality, objectivity, and independence in all of our auditing and certification activities. Our reputation as a trusted provider of certification services depends on the integrity and transparency of our processes.

To ensure impartiality, Get-ISO Certification adheres to the following principles:

  1. Conflict of Interest Management: We identify, analyze, and manage potential conflicts of interest to ensure that they do not compromise our impartiality. Our personnel are required to declare any personal or financial interests that may influence their judgment.

  2. Independence in Decision-Making: Certification decisions are made by individuals who are independent of the audit team, ensuring that no undue influence or bias affects the outcome of our certification process.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: We maintain open and transparent processes for all stakeholders, ensuring that our activities are conducted in a fair and consistent manner. All complaints and appeals are handled impartially and without delay.

  4. Continuous Monitoring: We regularly review and assess our procedures and practices to uphold impartiality and address any issues that may arise. This includes conducting internal audits and management reviews to ensure ongoing compliance with our impartiality policy.

  5. Training and Awareness: Our staff and external auditors are provided with regular training to reinforce the importance of impartiality in all aspects of their work. We foster a culture where impartiality is understood, valued, and practiced.

  6. Commitment to Non-Discrimination: Get-ISO Certification ensures that our services are accessible to all clients, regardless of size, industry, or geographic location. We do not discriminate against any client and apply our standards consistently across all operations.

By adhering to these principles, Get-ISO Certification ensures that our certification services are delivered with the highest level of impartiality, providing confidence and trust to all our clients and stakeholders.